Talks and presentations

Decision Support Metrics for Electricity Planning

April 01, 2019

Talk, Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Workshop in Sustainable Development (IPWSD), Columbia University, NYC

This talk demonstrated a two-stage electricity planning approach. Building locations and merging algorithms were used to apporximate residential locations, used as demand nodes for network planning. Given residential nodes, electricity access metrics (low voltage wire length, medium voltage wire length, transformer density and the cost of electrification) are estimated for wards in Kenya. These metrics highlight opportunities for varying electricity technologies (solar, minigrid, full-scale grid).

Challenges and Gaps during Energy Disruptions

June 01, 2018

Panel Discussion, Human Geography Dimensions of Energy Access and Use, Georgetown University, Washington DC

This was a panel discussion on the challenges and gaps which may occur or arise with energy disruptions. Energy disruptions may include climate change or new technologies and or regulations.